Sunday, 25 October 2009

Looking back and Looking forward....

Dear Drama Gods...

Did anyone find it as funny as i did that the guy who gave us the presentation on Friday (Harvey I think) kept referring to Johnny Depp, Ridley Scott and Tim Burton by their first names. The dudes a legend. Anyway i must admit i found the talk very interesting and even after two days its still fresh on my mind. I'm actually going round some movies I have to see if i can see National Trust Properties in. So far i haven't had much luck though. I had no idea that Trust Houses were relied on so much by A list Directors and I think it would be really horrible if they didn't get credited. I wasn't expecting to enjoy the presentation and even though I wasn't feeling very well they still managed to keep my attention. I may come to Harvey in the future with a completely over the top script that i have no possible way in making. Script writings hard though! I actually wrote one that I planned to put on at St Mary's but my evil ex-laptop ate it. Anyway i'm anyone else who does the musical really not looking forward to Billy Elliot, I mean the movie was boring, why WHY make a musical of it, and why make us watch it. Oh well at least this way i can be pleasantly surprised if i like it.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Amici and the Power of Yes

Ok first things first! i know this blog is incredibly late and i probably have a bit to say about certain things i've done recently so bare with me! I know at least one aspect of this blog is somewhat interesting (Amici) and another is incredibly boring (the power of yes) so take a deep breath and delve into the waffle i am about to write.

First and foremost the exciting stuff...AMICI. i must admit i was really nervous about going to this dance and physical theatre workshop because for anyone who has seen me dancing at the SU or Oceana really really knows that dance is not listed on my Big Relatively Small List of Talents. And the less said about my physical theatre talents the better. Anyway! i hopped on the 33 and made my way to Hammersmith and after 30 mins of aimless wandering found myself at the Lyric.

I must admit i was happy to see other st mary's dudes there! i had it stuck in my head that i'd be the only one so i was really relieved to see others that i recognised and i was pleasantly surprised by Wolfgang the Workshop leader who was really friendly and welcoming! The object of the workshop was to implement dance and physical theatre with disabled people and if i'm honest i did feel a bit intimidated because ive never really worked or interacted with disabled people before and i found it a bit overwhelming to begin with. But watching them work and their lack of fear or nerves really inspired me. They really put all of themselves into what they doing and some of the improvisation they did was really moving, and at the end of the day after a awkward beginning i found it so easy to work with them and i could see myself easily doing it again.

I was really happy i went along to the workshop because i havent really gotten involved in stuff like that before and i really want to experience different aspects of drama and how it can influence communities. I've got to say that Amici is doing admirable work and i would definately want to work with them in the future! Regardless of their immense members waiting list. Oh and a big shout to Zoe who gave me a lift back! THANK YOU : D

Ok now onto possibly the most boring production ive ever seen. The Power of Yes. Ok i understand why its important, i kind of understand why its been raved about but i dont understand why i had to sit through it. I have never fallen asleep in a production before never, and i've seen some real boring stuff, but this, this is just unexplainable. If it wasnt for Megan and Siobhan prodding me or laughing at my near collision with the row in front as i dropped off i would of slept through the whole thing! i nodded off in the first ten minutes! How does that happen. If it wasnt for the genuinely nice day out with my mates i would of been sent into a depressed slump at the pure waffle these actors where waffling at me. Though i must give them there due's the actors did seem like bankers and were believable enough to make you think they knew they're stuff, even if 99% of them were old men.

Sorry for the epic blog but i needed to get something down before i had even more waffle to talk about! As a side note in relation to Drama in the Community. i saw some clay models outside the library! it seemed like a nice idea to somehow implement this creativity for the christmas shows or perhaps do some kinda stories around them. Anyone agree, disagree, think i'm crazy??